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spread sweet and salty NEWSTARTCENTER/healthfood/spread sweet and salty products

spread sweet and salty

Ob würzig oder süß, in unserem reichhaltigen Sortiment an vegetarischen Brotaufstrichen (Nussmuse/Nusscremes, Honig und frische Aufstriche) finden Sie sicher Abwechslung für jeden Tag.

Alle Brotaufstriche sind mit Zutaten aus kontrolliert biologischem Anbau ohne Zusatz von künstlichen Geschmacksverstärkern, Konservierungs- und Farbstoffen hergestellt.

Durch die frische und schonende Herstellung bleiben die wertvollen und gesunden Inhaltsstoffe wie Vitamine und Mineralien weitestgehend erhalten.

Bitte wählen Sie :

RRP 21,90 €17,90 € * 4,26 € / kgWeight: 4.2kg

Product details
RRP 39,00 €33,33 € * 11,11 € / kgWeight: 3kg

Product details
RRP 2,80 €2,75 € * 15,28 € / kgWeight: 0.18kg

Product details
RRP 11,99 €9,69 € * 19,38 € / kgWeight: 0.5kg

Product details
RRP 4,49 €4,39 € * 10,98 € / kgWeight: 0.4kg

Product details
RRP 5,49 €5,39 € * 17,97 € / kgWeight: 0.3kg

Product details
RRP 145,00 €126,90 € * 10,15 € / kgWeight: 12.5kg

Product details

Cashewmus 500 g BIO

100% biologische Cashewnüsse, ohne Zusätze - einfach purer Genuss

RRP 13,99 €13,85 € * 27,70 € / kgWeight: 0.5kg

Product details
RRP 7,99 €6,85 € * 27,40 € / kgWeight: 0.25kg

Product details
RRP 3,99 €3,89 € * 15,56 € / kgWeight: 0.25kg

Product details
RRP 3,79 €3,69 € * 14,76 € / kgWeight: 0.25kg

Product details
RRP 6,49 €6,39 € * 12,78 € / kgWeight: 0.5kg

Product details
RRP 6,49 €6,39 € * 12,78 € / kgWeight: 0.5kg

Product details
199,00 € * 24,88 € / kgWeight: 8kg

Product details
RRP 13,49 €13,39 € * 26,78 € / kgWeight: 0.5kg

Product details
RRP 49,00 €37,00 € * 12,33 € / kgWeight: 3kg

Product details

Ingwery Aufstrich BIO 160g Zwergenwiese

Zwergenwiese Streich's drauf Ingwery

RRP 2,79 €2,74 € * 17,13 € / kgWeight: 0.16kg

Product details

Mandel Traum 250 g

250 g von Rapunzel

RRP 6,49 €6,39 € * 25,56 € / kgWeight: 0.25kg

Product details
RRP 84,99 €79,99 € * 32,00 € / kgWeight: 2.5kg

Product details
RRP 14,99 €14,89 € * 29,78 € / kgWeight: 0.5kg

Product details
RRP 39,00 €35,75 € * 11,92 € / kgWeight: 3kg

Product details
RRP 4,99 €4,89 € * 19,56 € / kgWeight: 0.25kg

Product details
RRP 4,99 €4,89 € * 19,56 € / kgWeight: 0.25kg

Product details
RRP 8,99 €8,89 € * 17,78 € / kgWeight: 0.5kg

Product details
RRP 12,99 €12,89 € * 17,19 € / kgWeight: 0.75kg

Product details
RRP 42,00 €35,00 € * 11,67 € / kgWeight: 3kg

Product details

Sonnenblumenkernmus BIO 10 kg

Schonend geröstete, fein gemahlene Sonnenblumenkerne in reinstem Mus.

RRP 92,50 €71,50 € * 7,15 € / kgWeight: 10kg

Product details
RRP 2,89 €2,49 € * 13,83 € / kgWeight: 0.18kg

Product details
RRP 2,80 €2,75 € * 15,28 € / kgWeight: 0.18kg

Product details

Streich Mango Curry 180 g BIO

pur auf Brot oder mit Joghurt vermischt als Dip oder Dressing.

RRP 2,80 €2,75 € * 15,28 € / kgWeight: 0.18kg

Product details
RRP 2,80 €2,75 € * 15,28 € / kgWeight: 0.18kg

Product details

Streich Olive 180 g Zwergenwiese

glutenfreier Aufstrich

RRP 2,80 €2,75 € * 15,28 € / kgWeight: 0.18kg

Product details
RRP 2,80 €2,75 € * 15,28 € / kgWeight: 0.18kg

Product details
RRP 2,80 €2,75 € * 15,28 € / kgWeight: 0.18kg

Product details
RRP 7,99 €7,79 € * 15,58 € / kgWeight: 0.5kg

Product details
RRP 4,49 €4,39 € * 17,56 € / kgWeight: 0.25kg

Product details
RRP 4,99 €4,89 € * 12,23 € / kgWeight: 0.4kg

Product details
RRP 15,49 €15,39 € * 30,78 € / kgWeight: 0.5kg

Product details
RRP 17,99 €17,89 € * 35,78 € / kgWeight: 0.5kg

Product details

Weißes Tahin ohne Salz 8 kg BIO

aus 100% geschältem Sesam, besonders mild im Geschmack

RRP 129,90 €119,00 € * 14,88 € / kgWeight: 8kg

Product details
RRP 2,80 €2,75 € * 15,28 € / kgWeight: 0.18kg

Product details
RRP 3,19 €2,99 € * 1,33 € / 100 gWeight: 0.225kg

Product details
RRP 3,10 €3,05 € * 1,36 € / 100 gWeight: 0.225kg

Product details
RRP 3,10 €2,79 € * 1,24 € / 100 gWeight: 0.225kg

Product details
RRP 3,10 €3,05 € * 1,36 € / 100 gWeight: 0.225kg

Product details
RRP 3,29 €3,20 € * 1,94 € / 100 gWeight: 0.165kg

Product details

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